Thursday, March 8, 2007

What's in a Name?

Ok, let's get a couple things straight:

One: I don't remember all of this "argument". I was pretty hammered at the time.

Two: All of my life, I had been told that you refer to an unmarried woman as "Ms." and a married woman as "Mrs." with Ms. being the short form of "Miss". Then, I have a couple drinks with my girlfriend and all of a sudden she's telling me that's wrong? I don't know how they handle it in other languages and countries, but here in the good ol' US of A we have Ms and Mrs.

The whole point with the ring thing is that it doesn't matter if she wears one or not, she's hot and guys will always hit on hot girls. I take little issue with that; I don't think she's going anywhere with anyone else, I'm not worried. I'm just trying to let her know that there are ways to let a man know that "Hey, I'm married, piss off". The ring might work, going by Mrs might work, it might not. No matter what, at some point you're going to have to tell a man that you're taken and not interested.

My entire point is that here in America, as I understand it, Ms is for a single woman and Mrs refers to a married woman. I want her to keep her name. It's much cooler than mine. In fact, I'd rather change my name if somebody's going to have to change anything.

Mrs is a title. Wear it with pride. That's all I'm saying. Thank you and goodnight.


Carrie M said...

but when if a girl is meeting men out and about, there's no introduction of 'title'. there's no, 'don't you love yuengling on draft? i'm mrs. cleopatra jones, btw.'

not taking sides, i'm just sayin'. :-)

btw - did you ever talk to max to find out if he played at that state theatre show last year?

Anonymous said...

Why do you hate women, Bergle?

Bergle said...

Carrie--I haven't talked to Max, but I probably will at some point this weekend. And you're right on about the title at the bar thing. I guess what I mean to say is that you can't rely on a man picking up on your signals one way or the other. We're idiots and live in our own little worlds. The Ms/Mrs thing is just a little battle of semantics, which I can't seem to avoid.

Arjewtino--Dude, what are you talking about? I don't hate women. I hate everyone. Well, not everyone, but nonetheless I don't hate women. I love women, I was raised by three of them. This has nothing to do with that. This has to do with guys being pigs and women have to let them know what's up. And when are you coming over for guitar hero? I think Carrie's trying to but in but we don't have to tell her anything.

Bergle said...

God, I try so hard to stay on top of my grammar (such as it is) and spelling and then I throw "...trying to but in..." out there like a dope. So for the sake of correction, please read that as "...trying to butt in..." if you don't mind. And yes, I have to do this because I killed some dude on his grammar and I don't want to look like the hypocrite anal-retentive English Teacher Guy. 'Cause I'm not.

Helen Skor said...

As I understand it:

Miss= definitely single
Mrs.= definitely married
Ms. = you're not really sure what her marital status is

Telemarketers will generally use Ms. when they call for a specific person because they don't want to offend.

Now, down south, you may call a woman Miss Anne or Miss Bess but that's just sort of a nickname and in no way reflects her true marital status.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Bergle said...

Amen sister.

Carrie M said...

well, for the record, i think 'ms' is for singletons, 'mrs' for smug marrieds. but yes, men are idiots and i'll ALWAYS agree with that. :-)

see if max is going to play with him again in april - regardless, i think we should all go, it's a fun time at the state theatre.

too late! now i know there will be guitar hero going on and i will ask MY FRIEND JO to fill me in. and we'll watch you guys and laugh from the couch.

Jo said...

I didn't like playing Guitar Hero too much. I'm rhythmically challenged so I suck.

But you can come over Carrie :-)

Carrie M said...

thanks, jo! :-) i pretty well suck at it, although i used at actually play the GUITAR itself. which is turn just makes it embarassing. so really, it's just fun all the way around for all.