Friday, March 2, 2007

Happy Hour


It was nice to meet everyone last night. Sorry I wasn't more social, but I was tired and really not in much of a mood to be out in the first place. That and I'm not very social. Not anti-social, mind you, just social-resistant.

Anyway, it was cool to meet some of you guys and hopefully there'll be another chance to grab some beers with you.

Guitar Hero, our place, you name the time. You know who you are.



Carrie M said...

great to meet you as well!

guitar hero what?! who? where?! i so want in on that action.

Helen Skor said...

Okay, so this is totally unrelated, but I thought before you called your girlfriend "Gergle" again, you should probably see this site . . .

Oh, and don't make plans for St. Patty's . . . party at our place . . . St. Patty's/ B-day party for a certain Argentinian friend of ours.